Unique users

Unique users, also known as unique visitors, are one of the metrics in Google analytics that you can track to understand your website performance, customer base, and audience. We will review what they are, how to measure them, and how to improve your metrics.


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What is a unique user?

The unique user metric counts individual users to the website over a given period of time. This metric measures the user regardless of their number of visits or whether they were a first-time visitor to the web page. Every time a user visits a web page, their IP address assigns them a unique identifier that google analytics can then track to understand the number of times they visit the site, their page views, and other user behavior.

When a unique visitor returns to the site as a returning visitor, they are tracked under the same attribution identifier that they were assigned on their first visit. The number of unique visitors is not the same as the total number of site visits but instead represents each person.

Track your number of unique users today

How to calculate unique users

The number of unique visitors is calculated automatically by the web analytics dashboard or google analytics console. It is measured within a given period of time. In addition, it can provide further information about the website’s performance, like bounce rate and conversion rate, and details about the demographics, preferences, and behavior of the website’s audience.

What is a good number of unique users?

There is no absolute value to measure the success of this metric because it all depends on the overall site behavior, performance, and traffic. A baseline rule of thumb is that your website gets 1,000 visitors per month, but this varies depending on the company’s size and industry. For example, a local e-commerce company should not expect to compare its new users or unique users to a primary corporate website. But ensure that you measure your own site’s performance over time and look into your direct competitors to get a sense of your success.

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What is a bad number of unique users?

Again, there is no objectively bad number. However, it is essential that within the data, you can weed out any bots that may be throwing off your data and give you the sense that you have significantly more user ids than actual people.

Track yours with an automated report

Unique users KPI examples & templates

From GA to digital marketing and eCommerce, these reports give you a good view of all your online marketing strategy metrics and overall online performance. 

See this KPI in action here!

Google Analytics template Google Analytics template

Google Analytics is a one-stop-shop where you get an overview of your visitors’ behavior when they’re interacting with your brand online. Get your total number of unique visitors, page loading time, returning visitors vs new visitors, bounce rate, and much more. 

See this template live

Digital marketing report template Digital marketing report template

From social media to SEO, this template gives you a good overview of your online marketing strategy metrics and overall user experience. Track your page views and marketing campaigns in real-time or over a certain period of time. 

See this template live

Ecommerce report template Ecommerce report template

Regroup all of your important metrics like your total sales, conversion rate, traffic sources, and so much more in an easy-to-set-up eCommerce report.

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Unique users best practices

To improve your unique users metric, keep the following tips in mind.

Unique visitor best practices

step 1 icon Keyword research

Ensure that your webpage is performing well in the algorithm and attracting the right audience by optimizing the SEO and bringing it to a higher ranking in the search results.

step 2 icon User Experience

Improve the user experience of your website, ensuring that the load time, new sessions, and bounce rate are all indicative of a smooth and positive user experience.

step 3 icon Post on social media

Reach a wider audience and spread awareness of your brand or website by posting across social media accounts. For example, develop content to share on Instagram or LinkedIn and redirect followers back to your website to drive traffic, conversions, and clicks.

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Unique users Synonyms

Although unique users is widely used, there are multiple synonyms that can be used. Here are a few : 

Unique Visitors, Individual Visitors, Individual Users, Unique individuals, Unique individual users, Number of unique visitor, Number of unique users

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