Social Followers

Social media marketing is founded on the need to acquire a significant number of social followers across social media platforms. The follower count is a crucial figure that brings opportunities for additional engagement and outreach, and in this post, we will explore what it means and how to improve your figures.


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What are social followers?

Social followers are social media users who have opted to view your Instagram content, TikTok videos, Facebook updates, Tweets, and more. Followers can be gained through organic reach through the algorithm, through cross-posting on other profiles, and through viral attention for posts that gain significant popularity.

Large follower counts give rise to influencers who often have hundreds of thousands or even millions of Instagram users following their Instagram account and see themselves gain hundreds of new followers every day. The follower count is a metric that can indicate your profile and content’s performance in the Instagram algorithm, the success of your marketing strategy, and the size of your organic growth. The number of followers an account has opened doors to larger business and brand opportunities.

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How to calculate social followers

Calculating social followers simply requires looking at the number of followers listed on your profile. It is a figure automatically counted by the social networks.

What is a good number of social followers?

There is not an objectively good number of social media followers, it all depends on your social media marketing strategy and the demographics of your niche and audience. Rather than aiming purely for quantity, it is essential to seek high-quality followers. There are ways to buy Instagram followers, but winding up with these fake followers generated by bots will lower your engagement rates and ultimately hinder your profile’s success and ability to gain new followers or potential followers who are real people, moving forward. Having a steady, although potentially slow, growth of real followers represents success in this metric.

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What is a bad number of social followers?

Bad social followers would be a number that is a result of fake accounts, bots, or fake follower growth from buying followers. Depending on your social media strategy, you can use your social media management analytics to determine the size of the audience you need to succeed. But don’t feel compelled to compare your profile to the following of large influencers, each account is different and has different audience needs.

Track yours with an automated report

Social followers KPI examples & templates

Your social followers can be added to multiple different types of reports. Here are some of them:

See this KPI in action here!

Social media report template Social media report template

Our social media report template has everything you need to get your marketing team started quickly: it’s pre-built with the standard social media metrics and KPIs you need, and it’s fully customizable so that you can visualize the data you want, the way you want. From tweets to Instagram analytics stats and hashtags, you'll be able to track your entire social media performance at a glance.

See this template live

Hotel marketing report template Hotel marketing report template

Make marketing and sales reporting a breeze with our sales report template. You can keep on top of your bookings, ad campaigns, organic search results, social media presence, and more with customizable reporting templates. Use DashThis to quickly and easily create your sales and marketing reports so you can spend more time on marketing activities and sales operations. 

See this template live

Community management report template Community management report template

Track all your social media performance, and show your social media strategy results to your boss in no time! Spend less time reporting and more time on growing your community with this all-in-one community management report template.

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Social followers best practices

Here are some ways to increase your strategy to gain more or higher quality followers.

Pageviews best practices

step 1 icon Engage with posts on your Instagram feed

Like and comment on posts and content that is relevant to your niche to begin to generate Instagram growth. This will show the algorithm who your relevant audience is, it will get your account’s name out there, and encourage other accounts that you engage with to follow you back.

step 2 icon Focus on engagement with your Instagram posts

Rather than putting all of the emphasis on followers, focus on increasing your engagement with your current followers to show the algorithm that you are a high-value account. Post consistently on your Instagram story, include polls and interactive features, and use hashtags to target the right niche. Post informative and useful content so you get more Instagram likes and essentially work to increase your account’s SEO.

step 3 icon Unfollow spam accounts

Improve the data associated with your profile by unfollowing and disassociating from spam accounts, or removing them from your follower list, to increase your account's value.

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