Social Fans

Our world is dominated by social media and the use of social networks for communication, shopping, idea sharing, and more. In a context where everyone has lists of followers, the term social fans is important to know. In this post, we will explore what it means, how it works, and how to drive your page’s growth.


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What are social fans?

Social fans are people who like a page on Facebook. It is a one-way relationship between a personal account and a professional page. Because the Facebook model has the friend-to-friend option, fans are similar to Instagram followers, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers, or LinkedIn connections.

Essentially, your active audience is your fanbase, and social fans is a term that applies to all platforms but is mainly used by Facebook. Your followers on social media platforms, whether they are people you know in real life or not, are your fans and are the people who will be liking your Facebook posts, posting retweets, giving you YouTube views, and engaging with anything you publish online.

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How to calculate social fans

It is simple to calculate social fans by just looking at your page on the social network; the number is represented by your Facebook page likes count, which the platforms keep up to date. Beyond that, there are apps available for download such as Social Fans App that calculate the nature of interactions that your Facebook fans or social media followers provide and tells you which followers prove themselves to be active on your social media channels.

What is a good number of social fans?

There is no absolute number for the right number of social fans to have on your social media accounts. If you are a business, the number is typically proportional to your business size. For example, a local cafe in a small town should not expect to compare its social fan base to celebrities or major global brands. However, individuals who become influencers do have the opportunity to create an immense fanbase on their social media pages if they post high-quality content, or if their TikTok views or Instagram post goes viral and generates a large following. Overall, the ideal number of social fans is subjective and will change according to your business or social media marketing goals.

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What is a bad number of social fans?

There is no objectively bad number of social fans. One key issue is to ensure that if you do have a large fanbase, they are not a result of choosing to buy Instagram followers. It is crucial to ensure that your fans are real people who have actively chosen to engage with your page, otherwise, bots and fake accounts that follow you when you buy an audience will depreciate your engagement rates.

Track yours with an automated report

Social fans KPI examples & templates

Your social fans can be added to multiple different types of reports. Here are some of them:

See this KPI in action here!

Social media report template Social media report template

Our social media report template has everything you need to get your marketing team started quickly: it’s pre-built with the standard social media metrics and KPIs you need, and it’s fully customizable so that you can visualize the data you want, the way you want. From tweets to Instagram analytics stats and hashtags, you'll be able to track your entire social media performance at a glance.

See this template live

Hotel marketing report template Hotel marketing report template

Make marketing and sales reporting a breeze with our sales report template. You can keep on top of your bookings, ad campaigns, organic search results, social media presence, and more with customizable reporting templates. Use DashThis to quickly and easily create your sales and marketing reports so you can spend more time on marketing activities and sales operations. 

See this template live

Community management report template Community management report template

Track all your social media performance, and show your social media strategy results to your boss in no time! Spend less time reporting and more time on growing your community with this all-in-one community management report template.

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Social fans best practices

If you find that your social fans count is low or that you are no longer growing your platforms, consider trying the following strategies.

Pageviews best practices

step 1 icon Share your content across platforms

Reach the largest possible audience with the least amount of effort by cross-posting your social media content. If you post tweets, share them to your Instagram story, if you are a blogger, share the post on Facebook, if you create a TikTok, post it on Snapchat. If you are a musician, put your content across platforms like Spotify, iTunes, and SoundCloud which make it easier for new fans to find you.

step 2 icon Add value

Be sure that your accounts are contributing value to your audience and are relevant and interesting for their niche. If you are an expert or leader in a subject, consider offering tutorials or hosting live stream sessions where followers can ask you questions and form a more personal connection.

step 3 icon Reach your target audience

Most importantly, make sure that your content is reaching the audience you need. Make sure your SEO is updated and optimized, ensure that you use hashtags on social media, and connect to new people and topics in your field by exploring individuals and pages on LinkedIn.

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