
If you're a marketer, chances are that you use Google Analytics or another analytics tool to get important metrics about user visits over a certain period of time. 

Here's everything you need to know about pageviews.


What are pageviews?

A page view is an instance of a page loaded in a browser. A pageview is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed. Repeated views of a single page are counted. It could be confused along with sessions.

Here are a few other definitions :

  1. Sessions: A single session is a period of activity completed by a user. Google Analytics records a new session every time someone visits your website. 
  2. Users: A single user is an individual who visits a webpage or a website. Every new user gets a unique ID that’s stored in their browser cookie, which lets Google track and identifies their sessions. 

The number of unique pageviews is pageviews that are generated by the same user during the same session. A unique pageview represents the number of sessions during which that page was viewed one or more times.

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How do you calculate pageviews

Although pageviews is a good metric to evaluate, it's a fairly generous measure and should be calculated alongside other metrics. For example, if you land on a particular page, that's a pageview. If you refresh that same page, it counts as another. No matter the number of times you reload that page, that counts as additional pageviews. Even if you leave the page and come right back, it's yet another pageview, all from the same page and user. 

To check your pageviews in Google Analytics, navigate to the Audience Overview Report.  You will find a few metrics that relate to the engagement of your users.

Pageviews KPI examples & templates

Your pageviews can be added to multiple different types of reports. Here are some of them:

See this KPI in action here!

Google analytics report template Google analytics report template

An awesome report with all the most important Google analytics data. Track all your web analytics, from single-page metrics, number of sessions, pageview metric, etc. 

See this template live

Social media report template Social media report template

Track your social media performance, optimize your social campaigns, and show your social media strategy results by merging all of your social media platform channels and analytics tools with our comprehensive social media report template.

See this template live

Ecommerce report template Ecommerce report template

A report with all the most important metrics for your eCommerce website, like bounce rate, shopping cart abandonment, and total revenue. Optimize your product pages to get better results in your report!

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Pageviews best practices

To get a high number of users, which increased the number of pageviews, here are some of the best practices you should keep in mind :

Pageviews best practices

step 1 icon Track it alongside other metrics

As previously mentioned, pageviews is a very vague metric. To get a bird's eye view of a page and its overall web performance, here are some additional metrics to consider: website traffic, website speed, session metrics like users, and duration. 

step 2 icon Create great blog content and include compelling CTAs

One of the main purposes of digital marketing is to convert as many visitors as possible. To do that, you need to optimize your site's content, including adding compelling CTA to get visitors engaged on your website and incite them to continue their journey onto the next page. 

step 3 icon Generate great user experience

You can also improve the total number of pageviews by improving the user experience of your website. Actions you should take include improving the load speed of pages, eliminating clutter and distractions such as popups. 

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Pageviews Synonyms

Although pageviews is widely used, there are multiple synonyms that can be used. Here are a few: 

Page views (PV), Page-views, Page impressions, Number of page load, Pageview hit, Page tracking hit, Web page view, Unique pageviews, Number of pageviews, Number of pages viewed

Ressources about pageviews

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