Link clicks

Link clicks are an essential metric to track when understanding the success of your linking strategy and digital marketing campaign. This article will review what they are, how they work, and how to boost your results. 


What are link clicks?

Link clicks represent a measurement of the number of clicks for any given link, whether on a landing page, webpage, Facebook ad, outbound click, social media link, or more. The metric is a crucial component of the click-through rate and can reveal insights into the success of your call-to-action verbiage.

By counting the number of people who click your link, you can understand the type of behavior associated with your page views and the success of your ROI for an ad campaign or digital marketing outreach effort. 

Track your link clicks today

How to calculate link clicks?

There is no need to spend time counting link clicks, for your Google analytics behavior dashboard tracks your click metrics automatically. 

What are good link clicks?

Link clicks are relatively low across the board, and click-through rates (ctr) are under 1%. Measuring the success of your total number of clicks is not easy to establish with universal analytics. Still, it has more to do with your campaign goals and the lead generation that emerges as a result. When looking at your click data, a successful metric will have cta optimization that leads viewers to the page or outcome you are hoping for, whether that is gaining landing page views, email marketing subscriptions, or additional page loads. 

One thing to note is that unless you look at unique link clicks if a person clicks the same link multiple times, it will all count to the total number of clicks. So make sure you aren’t mistaking widespread clicking for just a handful of repeat visitors. 

Track yours with an automated report

What are bad link clicks?

Bad link clicks are identified by having either less than 1% of clicks or no outcomes meeting your campaign goals. This means your optimization is not working correctly and your formatting may need to be enhanced to draw visitors to their desired destination URL.

Track yours with an automated report

Link clicks KPI examples & templates

Your link clicks can be added to multiple reports. Here are some of them:

See this KPI in action here!

Google analytics report template Google analytics report template

An awesome report with all the most important Google analytics data. Track all your web analytics, from single-page metrics, number of sessions, pageview metric, etc. 

See this template live

Social media report template Social media report template

Track your social media performance, optimize your social campaigns, and show your social media strategy results by merging all of your social media platform channels and analytics tools with our comprehensive social media report template.

See this template live

Ecommerce report template Ecommerce report template

A report with all the most important metrics for your eCommerce website, like bounce rate, shopping cart abandonment, and total revenue. Optimize your product pages to get better results in your report!

See this template live

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Link clicks best practices

If your link clicks are too low for your goals, consider trying any of the following strategies. 

Pageviews best practices

step 1 icon A/B testing

Conduct a/b testing to see which headers and CTAs perform better. Send some users one version of the site and other users an alternate version and test which format and style has a more successful outcome. 

step 2 icon Improve your CTA

Finesse your language to ensure that you genuinely lead customers to the link and the outcomes you aim for. Be direct, engaging, and track links in numerous places to encourage visits.

step 3 icon Linking strategy

Using a WordPress site, you can improve your SEO and approach using a platform like Ahrefs. Optimize your content, link placement, and outbound links to encourage clicking among your visitors.

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