Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is a crucial KPI to track. Here's all the information you need about this KPI: what it is, why it's important, how to calculate it, and way more!


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What is customer acquisition cost?

The customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the total amount of acquiring a new customer for your business. It includes the cost of your marketing campaigns and other marketing expenses that you have to spend to get a new average customer. This vital business metric is beneficial when compared with your customer lifetime value (LTV) or your return on investment to know if you spend too much (or too little) on your marketing efforts. This can also help you with various decision-making.

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How to calculate customer acquisition cost

The CAC formula calculates the total costs spent on acquiring new customers (marketing costs) by the total number of customers acquired when the money was spent. For example, if all your marketing efforts cost about $5000 for one month and your number of new customers is 1000, your customer acquisition cost is $5$.

The CAC calculation:

Total marketing costs/number of new customers = CAC

What is a good customer acquisition cost?

A good cost per acquisition is lower than your customer lifetime value (CLV), ideally about three times lower. When calculating CAC, it's pretty good if your CLV is $15 and your total number for customer acquisition cost, including ad spend, is $5 or less. A high CAC, on the other hand, can signal inefficiencies in your acquisition strategy.

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What is a bad customer acquisition cost?

It all depends on your industry and business model. Your CAC ratio in the automobile industry will likely differ more than that of SaaS. However, the golden rule is always to have an acquisition strategy that will bring a certain amount of money, with a lower CAC—more paying customers and less marketing spend.

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Customer acquisition cost KPI examples & templates

Add your customer acquisition cost to these reports for a good view of all your online marketing strategy metrics and overall online performance.

See this KPI in action here!

Ecommerce report template Ecommerce report template

A report with all the key metrics for your ecommerce site, like shopping cart abandonment, click-through rate (ctr), and revenue.

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Executive report template Executive report template

This template is filled with important metrics your C-suite will want to see. Show them your revenue, new and current customers, churn rate, and more. You can also add your profit margin, sales expenses, and more. 

See this template live

PPC report template PPC report template

Check your conversion rate, total sales, cost of acquisition, and more from all your marketing channels. You can also track this data alongside your startup or business metrics and industry benchmarks.

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Customer acquisition cost best practices

Here are some of the best practices you should remember to improve your customer acquisition cost.

Customer acquisition cost best practices

step 1 icon Use the Right Acquisition Strategy

Where do you put most of your marketing efforts? Which channels does your marketing team use? Maybe some channels aren’t well-adapted for your potential customer journey. Ensure all your different channels, upselling strategies, and pricing are bringing money to the bank. Social media, search engines, influencer marketing, referral websites, and incentives like discounts or special offers? Trace transactional customers back to their ‘last touch’ attribution source to understand which channels worked better than others.

step 2 icon Optimize your landing pages

Ensure your potential customers land on a page with the best possible probability of closing them. How? Add CTAs, improve the copy, or enhance the UX and readability, all while optimizing for SEO. Effective content marketing and messaging are crucial to guide users through a seamless customer experience. Even a 1% improvement across multiple pages within a specific period or time frame can translate to significant revenue over time. So, don't neglect the importance of your landing pages.

step 3 icon Invest in customer retention

A good way to improve your CAC and, therefore, enhance customer relationship management is to retain your existing customer base and maintain a killer retention rate. A customer from your target audience returning and buying more over a specific period of time costs nothing compared to new customer acquisition efforts. Ensure your sales team does a great job onboarding new clients and that customer success is prioritized, with relationships remaining strong throughout the sales process’s entire sales cycle and lifespan. This can be achieved through optimization, automation, and by implementing a loyalty program or referrals. Customer retention can truly change the game, particularly for SaaS companies.

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Customer Acquisition Cost Synonyms

Although customer acquisition cost is widely used, there are multiple synonyms that can be used. Here are a few : 

Cost per conversion, Cost per acquisition (CPA), Cost per action (CPA), Cost per customer, Cost per client, Cost per new client, Cost per new customer, Cost of customer acquisition (COCA)

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