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Google My Business Reports & Dashboards

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Google My Business is a Google product that enables your organization to manage your online presence across Google Maps and Google Search, as well as track your local businesses' data. With Google My Business, you can gather insights on how customers searched for your business, where they come from, as well as how many potential customers called your business from local search results and maps.

  • 14 +

    Preset Widgets

  • 24 +

    Metrics & Dimensions

  • 2 +

    Dashboad Template

Create your Google My Business dashboard today!

Create your free dashboard

Your GMB dashboard could look this great

See this dashboard in action here!

Your own templates to scale Scale with your own templates

Don't start your dashboards from scratch ever again; choose from one of our preset templates or create your very own report template in seconds!

Master view for all locations Get an overview of all GMB locations

Analyze your data even closer by combining all your GMB location listings, into one, neat dashboard or widget! Allowing you to track all your locations performances and make improved data-driven decisions in no time.

Build your historic Build your history

With Google My Business, you get 18-months of historic data. However, with DashThis, there are no limits! The minute you sign up, we save your data in your account so that you build up your own historical data for as long as you need to.

Multi-integration Gather all your data sources

Google My Business is just one of the many platforms you use for digital marketing: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Search Console, Facebook, LinkedIn, Hubspot... With DashThis, you can gather them all in the same report!

Sharing options Get multiple sharing options

Share your reports with your clients in seconds with automatic email dispatches, easy-to-share URLs, and printable PDFs. The choice is yours!

customer support Get unbeatable support

With DashThis, you get better customer support than you could dream of. Our awesome product specialists are always ready to help you get the most out of your reports!

Available Preset Widgets

Your most useful GMB KPIs are ready to use! Just drag-and-drop them in your reports!

Google My Business Dashboard Preset Widgets
  • Phone calls GMB dashboard

    Phone Calls

    This historic widget shows the number of times the phone number was clicked for your business.

  • Discovery searches GMB dashboard

    Discovery Searches

    This historic widget shows the number of times your business listing was shown when searching for a category, a product, or a service you offer (ex. restaurant).

  • Direction requests GMB dashboard

    Direction Requests

    This historic widget shows the number of times driving directions were requested for your business.

  • website clicks GMB dashboard

    Website Clicks

    This historic widget shows the number of times the website of your business was clicked on.

  • Customer action GMB dashboard

    Customer Actions

    This trend widget shows the number of times the following actions were completed on your listing: Website Clicks, Phone Calls, and Direction Requests.

  • Total views GMB dashboard

    Total Views by Google Service

    This trend widget shows the number of times your business was found via Google Search or Google Maps.

Want to see all our Google My Business preset widgets?
You’ll find them in your new dashboard!

Try it free

Available Metrics, Segments, & Dimensions

These are the top 10 metrics users usually include in their GMB dashboards:

Direct Searches
The number of times your business profile was shown when a user searched directly for your business name or address.
Discovery Searches
The number of times your business profile was shown when a user searched for a category, product, or service you offer (ex. restaurant).
Branded Searches
The number of times your business profile was shown when a user searched for your brand or a brand related to your business.
Views on Search
The number of times your business profile was viewed on Google Search.
Views on Maps
The number of times your business profile was viewed on Google Maps.
Website Clicks
The number of times your business's website was clicked on.
Phone Calls
The number of times your business's phone number was clicked on.
Directions requests
The number of times driving directions to your business location were requested.
Total Searches
The number of times your business was shown to a user, either from a direct, a discovery, or a branded search.
The average rating given for each review published on your business profile.

Want to see all our Google My Business metrics, segments, & dimensions?
You’ll find them in your new Google My Business dashboard!

Try it free

Other Useful Integrations & Data Sources

You use Google My Business along with many other platforms! Why not connect them all in DashThis?

Digital Marketing reporting dashboard

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DashThis is a brand owned by Moment Zero inc

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