Rablab’s Better, More Scalable ReportGarden Alternative

ReportGarden alternative

Rablab in a nutshell:

14 employees  |  100-150 clients  |  Montreal based

By using DashThis, Rablab saved:

4h of work per month/employee

Rablab is a web marketing agency specialized in organic reach (SEO), paid search (SEM), and social media marketing (SMM) strategies. Every day they enable their clients to achieve their performance objectives in a fun and efficient way. Their relationships with their clients are of utmost importance, and they know that their reports can play a big role in the matter.


They also know the importance of being well equipped when it comes to reporting tools. At first, they used ReportGarden, and while the tool was doing its job, it wasn’t impressive. The customer service wasn’t ideal, but more importantly, as Rablab grew its pool of clients, it was impossible to grow their reporting at the same pace without facing a substantial price rise.


Therefore, they looked for a better tool to use. And while initially, they were searching for a ReportGarden alternative, they found even better.


Scale your agency, not your expenses

Rablab was able to keep scaling by switching to DashThis.


To scale your business, you need to surround yourself with tools that enable you to grow and that will grow with you. The pricing model of ReportGarden did not allow Rablab to get the services they needed for a reasonable price. DashThis, on the other hand, proved to be more than just an alternative to their scaling problem.

"DashThis, by its ease of use, their numerous available metrics, but most of all, its ability to scale, was a very positive growth vector for Rablab during the last year."

- Maxime Bergeron, Associate at Rablab

The DashThis pricing model is a lot more comprehensive, enabling Rablab not only to get all the reports they need, but better reports, and for a much lower price. Contrary to ReportGarden, DashThis gives you all the features, integrations, and services no matter the plan you’ve chosen. And the more dashboards you need, the less it’ll cost you per dashboard. That way, the price difference to upgrade is always very reasonable and can’t explode substantially because you get 10 new clients!

Impress clients with better-looking reports

Rablab’s customers' satisfaction increased


Of course, it’s what inside that matters, but like everything else in life, first impressions are crucial. And your reports are no exception. By choosing DashThis as their ReportGarden alternative, Rablab was not disappointed. Quite the contrary, they ended up with reports that look 100x better. Of course, we’re a little biased here, so why don’t you take a look for yourself between a Report Garden and DashThis report:

ReportGarden Alternative

"Most of the time, our client will comment on our reports by saying that they look very professional and that most of the small/medium agencies or freelancers they’ve worked with didn’t have this level of professionalism." 

Maxime Bergeron, Associate at Rablab

With clear and varied graphics, charts, and lists, Rablab’s new DashThis reports help client comprehension, which in turn enables better relationships and client retention; everyone wins! We couldn't say it better than Maxime from Rablab himself:

"Both us and our clients like the look of the dashboards: they’re simple and efficient. There are also some cool features such as graphics, charts, and gauges that help simplify the information for the client."

Maxime Bergeron, Associate at Rablab

Save time and effort every day

Rablab saved hours of work monthly: ~1h / client

Thanks to DashThis’ features, Rablab is now able to save tremendous amounts of time and effort when creating reports. How?


First, they use report templates so that they never have to start their reports from scratch. They have a SMM template, a SEO template, and a SEM template ready to go at all times. When a client needs a new report, all they have to do is customize the pre-filled template to the new client’s needs by removing any data or marketing platforms that aren’t relevant and keeping only the needed information.


Want to see examples of these report templates? Take a look!



Another way Rablab saves time is by using the automated email dispatch. With ReportGarden, the reports were downloaded as PDFs and then manually sent to each individual client. This process is time-consuming, and it gets even worse the more you scale your business and get more clients.


With DashThis, no matter if you have 4 or 400 clients, reports can be sent automatically each month. All Rablab had to do is set up the dispatch once and then forget about it! When scaling your business, this is a time-saving feature you simply can’t overlook:


"We need our campaign managers to spend their time on something valuable for the client. While reporting surely brings value, we definitely think that data simplification, analysis, and recommendations are the things that matter the most to our clients. By being simple, the use of DashThis allows us to care less about the technical part and more about the strategic part." 

- Maxime Bergeron, Associate at Rablab

Get the finest customer service

Rablab’s level of satisfaction towards his DashThis Account Manager: 100%


In the SaaS world, customer service can, unfortunately, be overlooked as just an expense, and replaced by bots and FAQs. Since ReportGarden seems to enter in that category, when switching to DashThis, Rablab was thrilled to work with a business that takes customer service seriously:

"Customer service is a crucial point for us. Working in such a dynamic environment as the web, we definitely needed a close relationship with our account manager at DashThis, and this is exactly what we got with them (Gab Goulet). We’re able to set calls, get emails answered fast, and even get some recommendations."

- Maxime Bergeron, Associate at Rablab

Gab is always doing his very best to answer every question, give feedback and help Rablab create the most amazing reports. Why? Because that’s how he rolls! But also, because we genuinely love to help, and know that our client’s satisfaction is the most important part of our business! Were renowned for our exceptional customer service and it’s because we really take this matter at heart.


Gather all the integrations you need

Number of integrations gained by switching to DashThis: 3


When using a reporting tool, being able to report on all your data, from every platform you use, is crucial. ReportGarden did not have every integration that Rablab was looking for such as: Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Youtube Ads, which is another reason why they needed an alternative. With DashThis, every marketing tool they wanted to integrate is available through a native integration: no third parties, no problem. They don’t have to fetch data manually anymore. Here are some of the integrations they use on a regular basis with DashThis:


A ReportGarden alternative? More like an upgrade!


Now that Rablab uses DashThis, they wouldn’t go back to any other tool.


Not only do they now have all the integrations and features they need, plus better-looking reports, but they found a company that, just as they do, make sure to give their clients the best service.


They now save hundreds of hours of work monthly. They can impress their clients with stunning reports, scale their agency considerably without fearing a ridiculous invoice at the end of the month, and they have an amazing relationship with their account manager. All of this enables Rablab to use DashThis at its full potential.


Will they ever look for a DashThis alternative? We don’t think so!


Ready to scale too?


Like Rablab, do you need a ReportGarden alternative that won’t let you down, and that will scale and evolve with you?



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