Executive Dashboard Case Study : 5 KPIs for Kayex

Executive Dashboard Case Study

Kayex is a producer of crystal growing equipment for the solar and semiconductor industries located in Rochester, NY. Its Web presence allows the company to shine all over the planet to reach new customers from any country.

This website looks like it’s only for informative purpose since there is no online selling even for the spare parts. Trade show presence are listed and products are quite well detailed. There is an online form to request a quote.

So, what could be five highly valuable KPIs to put in an executive dashboard?


Qualified search traffic

Let’s start with traffic from search with qualified keywords. This will expose the value of the website content. A beautiful website is good. A website found by customers is better.


Actions from qualified search traffic

Qualified search traffic is highly valuable to the business like a hungry customer entering a restaurant to look at the menu. Have they contacted the company, seen the demo or requested a quote?


Downloads of data-sheets and technical documents

Are anyone interested enough in your products to dive into the details?


Actions from visitors who watched the online demo

Is the demo driving real business or is it just kept ignored?


Trade shows

How about visitors looking forward to see you on a trade show?



With these KPIs, a manager will get a global view of the website business performance. Sure, these KPIs can and should be adjusted over few months as well as the website itself.

Discussion is open. What do you think? Do you see other / more important business KPI?

Stéphane Stéphane Guérin

Stéphane has been working on business web projects for more than 15 years. After creating and selling numerous web marketing agencies and web apps, he founded DashThis in 2011. 

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